Code of Ethics and Behaviour
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1. All members of the YMAA are expected to behave in a polite and civilised manner and to show respect, to seniors, peers and juniors in accordance with their position, in the spirit of Chinese martial arts etiquette.
2. No member of the YMAA shall behave in an aggressive or arrogant manner to any person whether a member of YMAA or not.
3. At public events all members of YMAA will follow correct etiquette in accordance with the spirit of Chinese internal arts, both to fellow members and to members of other organisations and the public in accordance with their rank.
4. Anything which is related to an instructor in confidence or which may be deemed of a sensitive nature must not be discussed with anyone else without the permission of the individual concerned.
5. YMAA Instructors must teach Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing-I, Choy Lee Fut and other Chinese martial arts in accordance with this code of ethics and behaviour to the best of their ability with the welfare of their students as a priority.
6. YMAA Instructors must teach Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing-I, Choy Lee Fut and other Chinese martial arts as they were taught to them and in accordance with the syllabus laid out in 'Training notes' by Sifu R Rand or Sifu Smith to the best of their ability.
7. YMAA Instructors may teach Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing-I, Choy Lee Fut and other Chinese martial arts only to the level at which they are certified to teach.
8. All YMAA members shall have equal opportunities and no discrimination will be tolerated based on ethnicity, sex, religion, or cultural background.
9. Members of the YMAA must not engage in any activity or behaviour or make any statement, in the name of the YMAA, which is liable to bring the YMAA or Chinese internal arts into disrepute.
10. Clubs and Instructors affiliated to the YMAA but not trained by the YMAA must abide by all conditions laid down by the YMAA and all items in this code of ethics and behaviour but may opt out from the item in clause 6 of the code of ethics and behaviour which requires the use of the YMAA syllabus provided a suitable alternative has been agreed with the YMAA.