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Master Lam Kam-Chuen


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Master Lam Kam-Chuen, click to visit the Lam Association Web siteMaster Lam was born in Hong Kong just after the war and began training in Chinese martial arts at the age of 10. His teachers were Yim Sheung Mo and Lung Tse Cheung, disciples of Ku Yue Chang (known as 'King of Iron Palm'), the venerable Yun Hang and Lao Sau Hong. Master Lam studied Yang style combat Tai Chi Chuan, Iron Palm, I Chuan, Choi Li Fut, Northern Shao Lin, Chi Kung, traditional Chinese weapons and much more. Master Lam was a martial arts instructor to the Royal Hong Kong Police and is qualified in Traditional Chinese Medicine, specialising in bone setting, herbalism and the use of Chi and Chi Kung to cure ailments.

Master Lam came to England in 1975 and began teaching both privately and for the ILEA (thanks to the help of a Yoga teacher named Beryl Heed who became one of his first students). In 1977 he opened his first clinic in this country and began to practice as a Chinese doctor. Gradually a small group of private students developed and in 1982 Master Lam founded the Lam Tai Chi Association to help spread Tai Chi Chuan and related arts.

Master Lam is a student of Grand Master Yu Yong Nian and an expert in Zhan Zhong (pronounced "Jam Jong" - to stand like a tree) Chi Kung and I-Chuan (Da Deng Chuan) Kung fu. In 1995 he made a 5 part documentary for Channel Four TV called Stand Still be Fit. Master Lam has published books on Zhan Zhong Chi Kung, his own Tai Chi Short Form, Da Deng Chuan and Feng Shui, on which he is also a leading authority.





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