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1. For the purposes of this constitution Yongquan Martial Arts Association [YMAA] is synonymous with Yongquan Tai Chi Chuan Association [YTCCA], all members are automatically members of both the YTCCA and YMAA.

2. Groups taught by YMAA licensed instructors teaching off campus are liable to the fees described in 'Fees' paragraph

3. The titles 'Instructor Level 1', 'Instructor Level 2', 'Instructor Level 3' and 'Sifu' refer to YMAA licensed instructors as defined on the back of any YMAA Instructor certificate - Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing-I, Choy Lee Fut.

4. The title 'Senior Instructor' refers to Sifu Raymond Rand or his designated [in writing] representative or successor.

5. The title 'Senior Hsing-I Instructor' refers to Sifu Damon Smith or his designated [in writing] representative or successor.

6. The Senior Instructors, and holders of any YMAA teaching certificate shall be defined as 'Certified Members' of the YMAA, provided that they are up to date with their Club fees and are not classified as 'nt' (non-teaching) in the membership numbers list. Certified Members are covered by the Association insurance policy to teach up to the level of their certification. Holders of the rank of Sifu are certified to teach at any level in the arts in which they are qualified.

General aims
The Yongquan Tai Chi Chuan Association and Yongquan Martial Arts Assiciation were created for the furtherance of Chinese martial arts, particularly Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing-I and Choy Lee Fut, and for the benefit of their students and members.

1. Students may become members of the YMAA on enrolling in a class or may choose to study without membership for up to one year, until they begin Elementary level training or until they begin martial training (whichever is the sooner), whereupon they must obtain membership.

2. Groups may be proposed for membership by any level 1 instructor or above and must then be approved by a minimum of two level 3 instructors and one instructor of the rank of Sifu, or three instructors of the rank of Sifu or by the Senior Instructor.

3. Membership shall be regarded as a privilege not a right and is reliant on the individual member or group complying with the constitution of the YMAA and adhering to the YMAA code of ethics and behaviour.

1. Individual Members of the YMAA shall be subject to a fee of £20 per year unless they are entitled to the concessionay rate (£10 per year) see note 1, payable to the YMAA fund, first year fees are £10, no concessions are available for the first year.

2. Individual members belonging to groups affiliated to the YMAA shall be subject to a fee of £12 per year payable to the YMAA fund.

3. Groups affiliated to the YMAA shall be subject to a fee [to be arranged] in accordance with the groups circumstances, decided by a minimum of two level 3 instructors and one instructor of the rank of Sifu, in negotiation with the said group.

4. Membership fees are due annually on the first of October and must be paid in full by no later than the 31st November.

5. When an individual joins the Association part way through a year they must pay the £10 first year fee, regardless of how many months are left in the Association year.

6. If a member's fees are not received by 31st November membership will be revoked, removing all benefits of membership and suspending any teaching certificates which may be in force, unless a special arrangement has been agreed with the YMAA in advance.

1. Members of the YMAA shall be eligible to study all aspects of the arts taught at the class which they regularly attend relevant to their level of training and subject to their level of ability. Subject also to payment of any class fee.

2. Members of the YMAA shall be eligible to study all aspects of the arts taught at classes run by other YMAA instructors, subject to the production of a valid YMAA membership card and there being a place in the class, relevant to their level of training and subject to their level of ability. Subject also to payment of any class fee.

3. Members of the YMAA shall be eligible to be included in any "off campus" classes, seminars, workshops, tutorials etc, relevant to their level of training and subject to their level of ability, which are organised by YMAA instructors, subject to payment of any fee or costs charged for that activity. When non-members are allowed at such events members of the YMAA shall be eligible for a reduced rate.

4. Members of the YMAA shall be eligible for any handout, publication, video, news letter etc, relevant to their level of training, subject to the payment of any costs charged for that publication.

5. Members of the YMAA shall receive a password to the member's area of the YMAA web site relevant to their level of training.

6. Members of the YMAA shall be eligible to become certified instructors of the YMAA, subject to them completing the required training to the satisfaction of the relevant seniors as stated in the requirements for certification, laid out on the back of any YMAA certificate and available on this web site, and passing any grading examination for that level of certification which may be required.

7. Active YMAA Instructors shall have access to the instructor's section of the YMAA web site.

8. Members of the YMAA shall have the right to lobby their instructors or senior instructors as to the way they wish to see the YMAA run and to attend and vote at the AGM.

1. Members of the YMAA shall be obliged to abide by the constitution of the YMAA.

2. Members of the YMAA shall be obliged to abide by the code of ethics and behaviour of the YMAA.

3. No member of the YMAA shall teach Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing-I or any other art learned from a YMAA instructor or in a YMAA class, workshop, seminar, tutorial, etc to another, whether they are a member of the YMAA or not, without having gained the instructors certificate relevant to the level of instruction which they are giving. Unless they are teaching with the permission of, and under the supervision of, a qualified instructor of level 2 or above.

4. No member of the YMAA may teach Tai Chi Chuan, Hsing-I or any other art learned from a YMAA instructor or in a YMAA class, workshop, seminar, tutorial, etc to another, whether they are a member of the YMAA or not, without cover from the association insurance even if they have earned the instructors certificate relevant to the level of instruction which they are giving. Unless they are teaching with the permission of, and under the supervision of, a qualified instructor of level 2 or above, in which case the supervising instructor is responsible for insurance purposes.

5. Members of the YMAA shall not pass on any handout, publication, video, etc to a non YMAA member without written permission signed by a minimum of two instructors of the rank of Sifu or of the senior instructor.

6. Members and ex-members of the YMAA must not pass on the passwords for any area of the YMAA web site to non YMAA members or to members who would not normally have authority for the said area.

7. Members of the YMAA must not incur any liability on behalf of the YMAA without written permission from four of its officers, or the Senior Instructor.

1. In the event of a serious transgression of the constitution, or code of ethics and behaviour, Instructors have the right to immediately suspend the errant member pending an investigation by the YMAA.

2. Transgressions of the constitution, or code of ethics and behaviour, shall be investigated by a team comprised of a minimum of 3 level 3 instructors or above [not a reporting instructor if applicable], who shall impartially investigate the transgression and recommend what action, if any, should be taken to the senior instructor, who will make the final decision.

3. The member in transgression shall have the right to appeal personally to the senior instructor within 21 days if he or she is unhappy with the recommendations of the investigating team (unless the senior instructor is acting as part of the team). The senior instructor's decision is final.

The investigating team shall have the right to recommend; expulsion [from the YMAA], exclusion [from YMAA classes], suspension [from the YMAA], suspension [from YMAA classes], cancellation of a YMAA teaching certificate, suspension of a YMAA teaching certificate, or any combination of the above, or, in certain circumstances, and subject to the full agreement of the member in transgression, the setting of tasks to be fulfilled in order to set aside the said transgression.

The YMAA shall have the following officers Senior Instructor, Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Chair, Vice Secretary and Vice Treasurer. Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice Chair, Vice Secretary and Vice Treasurer to be appointed from the membership by vote at the AGM [approved by the senior instructor] or by the senior instructor.

1. For any changes to the Constitution or Code of Ethics and Behaviour to be made a minimum of 6 members must be present at least 4 of which must be officers of the YMAA. Such changes must be made at the AGM or an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) and all members must have been notified a minimum of one month in advance of the proposed meeting, such notification will be through classes, by e-mail or posted on the web site. The Senior Instructor reserves the right to make changes to the Constitution or Code of Ethics and Behaviour without notice should the need arise.

2. Other decisions may be made by the officers of the YMAA without recourse to the AGM or an EGM and will be subject to review at the next AGM or EGM whichever takes place sooner. A quorum of 4 is still required who must be officers of the YMAA. All such decisions must be reported to the Senior Instructor within 7 days for ratification. The Senior Instructor reserves the right of veto over any decision should the need arise.

3. A quorum may take place by e-mail, or other electronic mechanisms, for the purposes of calling meetings or making general decisions.

AGM, EGM and general running of the YMAA
1. The AGM shall be held between during September each year.

2. Any officer may call an EGM by notifying the Senior Instructor of his/her intention. Members may request an EGM through their instructors and it will take place if a quorum (as defined above) decides it should go ahead.

3. All members are entitled to vote at AGMs and EGMs on a 'one member one vote' system.

4. An Agenda for the AGM or any EGM will be circulated in advance of the meeting, posted on the web site, by e-mail or through instructors. All members shall have the right to add items to the agenda for the AGM or to nominate candidates for office. Agenda items may be sent by post or e-mailed to admin but must arrive a minimum of one month before the meeting in order to allow time for the final agenda to be circulated for consideration by members.

5. Any member may nominate a candidate for the position of a YMAA officer, provided that that person is eligible for the post (see officers above). All nominations must be lodged with the Senior Instructor a minimum of one month before the meeting to allow time for members to cast postal votes.

6. There will be a voting form on the web site (which may be printed off and circulated by instructors) so that members who cannot attend the AGM or an EGM may vote on agenda items. No mechanism exists for members to elect a proxy or to vote on items raised in 'any other business' if they are not present at the meeting. Voting forms may also be printed off by members and must be returned by post or through an instructor signed by the member casting the vote. Voting forms may be handed in by instructors at the meeting.

7. Voting may take the form of a show of hands or a secret ballot, decided by the chair, for most decisions. Where the post of an officer of the YMAA is contested the vote must be by secret ballot. Secret ballots will be counted by an officer of the YMAA, but not an officer contesting a post, and will be presided over by the Senior Instructor.

8. While every attempt will be made to run the YMAA as a democratic organisation, the Senior Instructor reserves the power of veto and the right to make unilateral decisions if necessary.





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